
{Tag, You're it!}

My new Blogger friend Lacey @ Southern in the City, tagged me in a game this morning. The game goes like this: I answer Lacey's 8 questions that she created and then ask 8 different questions to 8 other people. 

Here are my answers:  

1. If you had to choose one, what reality show would you go on and why?

America’s Next Top Model – although, don’t get me wrong, I am in NO way saying that I can be put into the “model” category, but, it has always been a dream to see what modeling would be like. Getting dressed up in crazy sexy outfits, having someone that REALLY knows what they're doing do my hair & makeup AND hang out with hottie Nigel Barker? Yes please!

2. If you were a time traveler and could only go back in time or forward in time, which would you choose?

I think that I would go back in time – not too far, maybe the 1950’s, specifically for the fashion. I adore the dresses, coats and hats. (Lucy Ricardo comes to my mind…)

3. What is one landmark in the world you hope to one day see?

Maybe this is a little cliché, but I am looking forward to seeing the Eiffel Tower someday. Not soon, but someday – it’s on my bucket list!

4. What has been your favorite vacation ever?

That would definitely be my last tropical vacation with my huge extended family. We did so many fun things – snorkeling in underwater caves, massage on the beach, swimming with dolphins. Haven’t been able to top that one yet!

5. If you were to start your own restaurant, what would it be called and what would you make?

Maybe it is because of the recent explosion of cupcake/cake related shows all over cable, but I would love to start a bakery, specializing in cupcakes called "Simply Sweet". The Cupcake Girls look like they have so much fun! Although, I’d probably need to learn to bake first…Hmmm.

6. What's the most embarrassing CD you have in your collection?

Aqua? (“I’m a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie world…”)

7. You can only eat 5 different foods for the rest of your life, what are they?

  • Pizza
  • Ice Cream (specifically Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Brittle)
  • Strawberries
  • Rice
  • Bread (any and all kinds!)

8. What is the best purchase you have ever made?

My first iPhone – I am now hooked for life. It is a lifesaver!

9. What's the one movie you could watch over and over?

You’ve Got Mail with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Dirty Dancing is a VERY close second.

10. What is the most exciting experience you've had so far in your life?

Back when I was a cowgirl and showing my quarter horse at the county fair in my hometown, winning one of the highest honors as Western Grand Champion. Hard work will always pay off!

Here are my questions for the next 8!

  1. If you could go back to school, without money being a factor in your decision, what would you study?
  2. Cats or dogs?
  3. How many pairs of shoes do you own, and which ones are you absolute favorite?
  4. What’s in your purse – right now?
  5. Be honest: How many times a day do you check Facebook?
  6. What is the farthest place you’ve traveled outside of your hometown, and why?
  7. If you had to limit your beauty routine down to only 2 things, what would you keep?
  8. What is your favorite quote?

 I tag:
  1. Jennie @ Well Shut the Front Door!
  2. Jennifer B. @ Starving Insatiable
  3. Poor and Fabulous @ Poor is the New Black
  4. Meg @ Life of Meg
  5. High Heeled Life @ Falling off a High-Heeled Life
  6. Jayme @ The Simple, Sweet Life
  7. Julie @ Brown Eyed Belle
  8. savedthrulove @ Guileless Living Day by Day

What a fun idea! Have a blessed day!

Much love,


Jayme said...

How fun! Thanks so much for inviting me to play. I'll think of my answers and post later today. :-)

Lacey said...

Oh my gosh I love all of your answers! Sorry I just realized I put 10 questions instead of 8 :) thanks for answering them all! And I agree with you ANTM would be so much fun especially getting to see Nigel Barker!!

♥ CheChe said...

so I really love how your 5 foods you could not live without are all carbs except the strawberries and ice cream!! i love you girl you just made my morning :). he he... And thank you for tagging me. I like your layout alot how did you get the border on both sides?? eh I'm horrible at all this blog stuff. There should be a class at my school!


♥ CheChe said...

p.s. I'll post them tonight or tomorrow. I have classes all day and wouldn't be able to do them justice in the little time I have plus tagging others..

Jennifer B said...

Hey so I just noticed you don't have your email address attached to your blog! You should do that because then when you leave a comment on a blogger's blog, they can email you back w/a response! All you have to do is go to your settings, then comments, then make sure your email is at the bottom. Then, go to Edit Profile next to your pic and make sure the "Show my email address" box is CHECKED.
This way, when someone leaves a comment, you can email back to them and when you leave a comment somewhere, that blogger can reply back to you! Email me at JLoBugBlog@yahoo.com if you have questions!

Jaclyn said...

Oh - thank you! I have been wondering how that all works! Did I fix it correctly??

Unknown said...

Thanks for tagging me! I've replied!

Danica Pardini said...

Wow! Your blog is sooo cute!!! I wish my header could look like yours!

Danica Pardini said...

yeauuuh. I don't have photoshop. :/ I wish I did!

Syndal said...

I would totally open up a bakery too!! (see my blog title to know why haha) cute blog! new follower :)

highheeledlife said...

Thanks for tagging me!!! these are always wonderful... it lets us get to know each other a click on the keyboard better... I will put my tag up over the week-end.. wishing you a fantastic week-end..HHL

Poor and Fabulous said...

Thanks so much for tagging us! So fun!

Nikki said...

I Love You've Got mail!!! I actually don't know anyone else that loves You've got Mail to be honest... My husband gets really annoyed because I watch that and the first Harry Potter obsessively.

Claire Kiefer said...

Nigel Barker is hottttttt! :)

Sarah said...

Just started following your blog today - so cute! The adorable Julie from Brown Eyed Belle has now tagged me, so hope you'll check out my blog :)
